Firstly, I'm sorry for bringing this up here but I so far in my time here, be able to keep it in check but I JUST CAN'T ANYMORE!
This is more of my rant about my so - called ' love life ' , or should I rather say that its non - existent?
Why is it non - existent? BECAUSE OF FEAR! No matter what I do, no matter how sociable in general I become, no matter how hard I've tried..... FEAR ALWAYS ***ING WINS!
It has made like a stalker, it has made me look like a fool and you know what, I’m sick of it, I made a fool of myself again tonight, I just know I did, walking past a group of girls several times.... ARGH!
Well, it has being a long war in my head BUT in the end, I LOST. FEAR HAS WON THE WAR! FEAR HAS GOTTEN WHAT IT WANTED.
STOP telling me I'll find someone, STOP telling me how to react.... I ALWAYS OVERTHINK! I JUST CAN'T ****ING HELP IT! I can't change it, no matter how hard I tried! I ALWAYS LOSE OUT TO FEAR!
I accept my fate now, I'm going to lonely because IT IS JUST TOO HARD FOR ME!
Everywhere I was tonight, I saw girl I liked with all the people who treated me like crap in school. THE JERKS CAN DO IT.... I CAN'T. I AM SICK OF THIS TWISTED GAME, SO I'M QUITING OUT OF IT.
I feel like such a failure, even if I get that degree and lots of money, MY RELATIONSHIPS WILL STILL STINK!
Please guys, if your a shy type around women, get help for it. I can't be helped now, I'm too old for things to be changed but there is still time for you, just go and do the right thing for yourself, please!
I'm sorry to bring more depressing stuff here but I REALLY needed to get this out of my system, thanks for bearing with me.
As you can see from this, I was quite pissed off at I now know is an unfair and grossly unbalanced dating scene. Here, I want to share my own personal views on the dating, even though, as that post suggests, I’ve being in a total of….. er….. ZERO relationships! And before I start, one thing to any femi - nazis or PUAs who might come my way; FUCK OFF.
Anyways, as you some you can see from my writings here, I’m a very straight forward, nice and honest guy and once upon a time, I was pretty much a mangina, a woman firster, would have being willing to do ANYTHING for a woman. However, as the years pass, I’ve become increasingly angry, harsh and bitter at women, why? I don’t think I need to say it for the sake of those who think Ireland is a safe heaven and will be the last standing ground of men I’m going to.
Do you know how it feels to be humiliated in public? It has happened to me for various reasons, many of them in the name of the trying to get a GF. In my second post last year, I mentioned how my first time approaching a girl didn’t go down so well. In actual fact, it was a disaster, he was me, thrown out into the real world without any help, naive and without a clue, following this girl across the street, while she shouted at me and then THROW FUCKING ICE AT ME! Man, I think guys can be assholes but at least they don’t go about in public like that!
All that most of us in the MRA movement wanted was a happy and fulfilled relationship with a woman, one where we take the role of protector and provider while she takes on the role of carer and nurturer of the both the man, the house and his family. Unfortunately, thanks to femi - nazis like Andrea Dworkin and her equally as vile and evil sisters, this has all but being thrown the window. Women think its ’ empowering ’ and ’ liberating ’ that by ignoring good men and spending their time form adolescence through to 26, 27 as a time for fucking with nice guys heads while at the same time fucking every last piece of fucking scum they found on the side of the road!
Even then, as a used up and rotting skank, she wants to abuse the nice guy even further by conning the poor guy into marrying her and making him her human ATM and if / when she divorces him, he gets taking to the cleaners and DESTROYED while she goes off laughing into the sunset while he lays there in the streets, broken! See, the nice guy never wins, its all one big lose - lose situation of you’re a nice guy, your snubbed, used and made fun of by the girls when you were younger and then when you become stable, get used as walking wallet for them as they slowly rot away, her breasts sagging, her hair getting short and she begins to get FAT.
To be honest, I don’t know why I bother anymore, I’m fighting a rigged battle and I know it. So why do I do it? I don’t know. Maybe its because I’m bitter at seeing my friends all around score while I’m left with only my hand. I’m always told by others that ‘ I’ll find someone ‘ , well guys, to be perfectly and brutally honest, having never even kissed a girl, having gone so long without……. I’m beginning to just accept that fact that in all honesty, there is no one out for me. I mean, that I’ll never know what its like to have a girlfriend, to have sex, to kiss, all that stuff.
Does this depress me? Admittedly, it does. I didn’t ask for this shit, none of us did. As a result of all this whoredom and skankdom that has infected western society, I’m never going to be able to pass on my own fucking bloodline! That being siad, I freely admit that I feel I’m at risk of being ‘ one blow job away from manginaville ‘ because of this. I’m aware of it and don’t want to be that type of person EVER again.
I’m sure most of my MRA comrades, apart from those who got the hell out of the west and married a foreign bride, feel like me at times, that they doomed to only have their hand for company for life because of how fucked up society is and how its falling apart. Firstly, we are armed with the knowledge that it is not our fault, its that of the self - fish Marxists, feminists and NOW crowd who want to create a dull, lifeless and genderless one world society of fucking SLAVES to serve them and the greatest false god of all; MONEY.
You know the dating scene is fucked up if a girl gives you a false name, teases you but when you make a move, she pretends you don’t exist! ‘ Oh, you such a great person, lets just be friends! You know what? FUCK YOU! I did NOT go after you to get that stupid line again. Fuck off and have your fun with that low life sleaze bag friend of my brothers, in fact, fuck everyone else but ME and when your in your 30s, desperate for a sucker and with a biological clock ticking so loud, people think there’s a volcano about to erupt, DON’T COME TO FUCKING ME! You HAD your chance when you were younger and YOU BLEW IT because you wanted to ‘ empowered ’ and ’ liberated ‘ and have fun with your prime years. Well, I think the classic fable ‘ The Ant & The Grasshopper ‘ applies very well here;
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant walked by, grunting as he carried a plump kernel of corn.
"Where are you off to with that heavy thing?" asked the Grasshopper.
Without stopping, the Ant replied, "To our ant hill. This is the third kernel I've delivered today."
"Why not come and sing with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of working so hard?"
"I am helping to store food for the winter," said the Ant, "and think you should do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "we have plenty of food right now."
But the Ant went on its way and continued its work.
The weather soon turned cold. All the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow that even the grasshopper could not dig through. Soon the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger.
He staggered to the ants' hill and saw them handing out corn from the stores they had collected in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper knew:
It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
By ignoring the good men, the ant in this story and instead squandering your prime years to the bad boys and thugs, your acting like the grasshopper in the story and in case you don’t already know, winter has an awful habit of coming in VERY fast when you not thinking about or keep putting it off. And when you find yourself in a job you hate, bitter and with nothing but a cat to come home to and when you see us good men, living the life of our dreams, the same men you brushed off years earlier, you will then know that you that what you did was wrong but there will NO going back, you made your choice and now you most live with it…. To the end, NO ONE is going to rescue you, not me or anyone!
Until next time,