Sunday, May 27, 2007

Man bashing in the Irish Media: Road Safety Ads

I've never really looked into examples of man - bashing in the IRISH media yet. ( Then again, I generally stay away from such media! ) So, I thought I would and what better examples to start off with than the infamous hard hitting road safety ads that are broadcast here. Obviously, while these ads DO have a good, well intentioned message ( I'm well aware of this so please, no comments about it! ) it is usually done under the guise of the male being the person who causes the whole damn mess.

And before you ask, no, I don't know what's its like to be in a car crash and to have someone I know either killed or maimed for life as a result of such an accident.

Warning: Graphic Content

Here's the most recent one that I've seen;

I've seen some over the top road safety ads but this one takes the biscuit. I've never heard about or seen any similar accident like the one depicted here ( If anyone knows of a such an occurrence in real life, please tell me in the comments section )

The first thing worth nothing is that it was a male who caused the crash by driving too fast and not paying attention. He looks young and dress like a typical male around my age. Hmmm...... What does that make you think? That all young male drivers are nothing more than accidents waiting to happen and as a result, all young men should be charged through the roof for car insurance? I think the demonisation of men comes without mention as well through this ad.

Another thing worth noting that apart from our speeding male who causes the crash, all the other male victims of the accident died. Those being the guy who got almost totally impaled by one of the cars and the other male driver in the other car, both females survive, hence, the main one is maimed for life. What's the subliminal message here, I wonder? That men are easily expendable and that if they die, not many people will care? Instead, femi - nazis would think ' Yay! That’s one less man we have to worry about! ' Think about that one, readers!

Until next time,



Anonymous said...

From the Road Safety Authority (the national body in Ireland):

90% of the drivers whose alcohol was a contributory factor in a crash were male.

86% of all drivers killed are male.

Dr Declan Bedford's recent report on road deaths concluded the following:
•A serious problem with male drivers
•Young men most at risk of drinking, driving and being killed
•Middle-aged and older men also at risk

Those ads target men because men cause the vast majority of road accidents, through speed, drink, or simply careless driving. Across the board they are SIGNIFICANTLY more dangerous drivers than women.

Go down to the field near you on Friday or Saturday night and watch the joyriders. All young fellas. Do you live in the country? I doubt it, if you did you'd know that racing, literally RACING for fucks sake, with yer mates in a souped up Honda Civic is considered entertainment by a scary amount of young people - ALL MEN.

"Another thing worth noting that apart from our speeding male who causes the crash, all the other male victims of the accident died. Those being the guy who got almost totally impaled by one of the cars and the other male driver in the other car, both females survive, hence, the main one is maimed for life. What's the sublimal message here, I wonder?"

THAT MEN ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO DIE ON THE ROADS!! This is a fucking FACT, as you'd know if you'd bothered to do the smallest amount of fucking research. For Christ's sake, men are being massacred - BY EACH OTHER - on our roads every fucking weekend! The fact they run these ads shows that they CARE, that they DON'T WANT young men to keep dying.

I suggest you take this post down or severely edit it. Your fondness for posting rubbish (that shite about Galileo, for example) that has no basis in fact, is an embarrassment to the men's movement. Stop posting until you're prepared to put some effort in.

Anonymous said...

What's 'man basing'?

Dude, spell check is your friend.

NHY said...

Anon: 12:33; lol. Just an oversight of mine, I'll correct it.

Anon 12:35; For a suppossed supporter of the men rights movement, you seem awfully critcal of my methodology of doing things and of men as well.

So, your generalising that ALL young men are car accidents waiting to happen, we are all nothing more than joy riders, racing around in souped up all cars. Most men are safe driver's for heaven's sake and its because of in reality, a small miniority of idiots, who in reality do it because they have nothing else to do, We are all painted in a negative light.

What solution are going to suggest? Ban men from driving altogether? That would solve the problem then of men killing each on the roads, wouldn't it?

Also, I DO NOT POST RUBBISH. If you'd taken the time to read what other men are saying about my posts, you'd find that they are in agreement what I say! As for Galileo, did you learn anything about history in school? I guess you mustn't have being listening!

Why should I stop posting because some well intentioned but otherwise ill - informed ANONYMOUS user told me to? At least I made the effort to create a blog and an indentity for myself!


Anonymous said...

Um aren't men statistically safer than women ? men drive far more miles than women and have a better accident /mile ratio afaik also you just have to look at who are the best driver's in the world they are all male as with every thing else from cookery to leaders.

Also those ad's are not for men's benefit in the new one's all the attention is payed to the women how hard it is for the poor dears to recover etc the men are just the ones that died as an after thought with nearly no screen time apart from establish the fact it was an evil man who caused the crash boo men!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not the original anonymous but, what would you have them do? Make a PSA with the LEAST likely person to get into a car wreck? I still don't see what's so misandric about the ad. There's plenty of real ones out there, find one of those and blog about it.

NHY said...

5:03; I was only trying to come with up a good example of misandry in the Irish ads and I'm well aware of the message these ads send out, my intention was to examinie this ad from misandry prospective, that is all really.

Next time I do such a post, it won't be about a car safety ad.

Anon 4:35 is a good example of someone who got the message I was trying to convey in this post.


Anonymous said...

"Instead, femi - nazis would think ' Yay! That’s one less man we have to worry about! ' Think about that one, readers!"

You're damn well right.

NHY said...

Anon 6:43: Geeze, if you really claim to be a supporter of the men's movement, then you really should spend more time talking about the issues that face us men ( like starting your own blog ) instead of attacking your own fellow man like this for whatever.

Yes, so my methodology isn't your cup of tea. Fine, there is no need to read this blog then, there are plenty of other MRA blogs that will suit your needs. I also note that the bulk of my posts are usually written in a word processer then uploaded here.

The men's movement DOES NOT NEED men fighting with each other over shit like this. Not only is it not in the bit constructive it also gives the enemy ammuniation to fire back at us!


Anonymous said...

Geeze, if you really claim to be a supporter of the men's movement, then you really should spend more time talking about the issues that face us men ( like starting your own blog ) instead of attacking your own fellow man like this for whatever.

I have my own blog. I am commenting anonymously because I don't want to start a flame war between MRAs. I think you'd resent me if you knew who I was.

The men's movement DOES NOT NEED men fighting with each other over shit like this. Not only is it not in the bit constructive it also gives the enemy ammuniation to fire back at us!

I already explained why what I'm saying is important: "You write badly written posts with no research, and you don't even bother to check for spelling errors. That makes you look lazy, unprepared, and foolish. I expect better from MRAs."

Those points are valid. The questions I asked at the end of my last post are especially valid. ANSWER THEM. Your badly written blog posts, full of spelling mistakes and factual errors, are making us all look bad.

Anonymous said...

your hilarious! laughing out loud. are you for real or is this blog space a pisstake? if not mister you have far too much time on your hands. i usually amnt arsed even leaving comments or getting into debates with spas like you, but you take the fucking biscuit.advice to you: get off your anti feminist trip man and get some salt for that chip on your shoulder. ha! bashing road safety adds...priceless!